Epistemologi Ilmu: Perbandingan Dan Titik Temu Metodologi Ilmu Alam, Ilmu Sosial, Dan Ilmu Agama


  • Amin Nasrullah Universitas Kutai Kartanegara



Kata Kunci:

Positivisme, empiricsm, intidzar, preconception, naturalistic method, sunnatullah, acquired knowledge, perennial knowledge



Methodology and approach are fundamental issues in any scientific study.
Methodology is an inseparable part of a scientific study that gives consideration to
the validity and truth of science itself. Methodological confusion resulted in the
value of the validity of the resulting knowledge. The methodology of science is built
on the epistemological conception which is the basis for the selection of research
methods or studies of that science in particular (ad hoc), so that the methodology has
a distinctive style in each discipline. The methodology and approach of a scientific
discipline are closely related to the epistemic conception of the science. Pure science
or natural science, which is generated and based on experience and sensing from
purely empirical reality, not the same as the methodology of the religious sciences
which, apart from being based on observation (intidzar) also involves the heart and
intuition. In the scientific tradition which is dominated by positivism from the
current natural science paradigm, there are methodological conflicts and crises,
which demand new methodologies and approaches. The methodology is built from
paradigmatic assumptions that are accommodative to various disciplines.
Methodology and approach that is the meeting point of various disciplines,
especially the natural, social, and religious sciences. This requires a review in the
realm of epistemology.
Epistemology pays special attention to the sources and methodologies used to obtain
knowledge systematically. Studying the methodology of science, means discussing
issues in the area of epistemology. Epistemologically, the Qur'an mentions that in
general there are three sources of knowledge, the universe, humans, and history.
Thus, the study of the religious sciences is systematically related to the study of the
social and natural sciences, which allows the methodology of another discipline to
be used in the methodology of the religious sciences. These are the things that are
discussed in this article.

Keywords: positivism, empiricism, intidzar, preconception, naturalistic method,
sunnatullah, acquired knowledge, perennial knowledge.


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