PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN ABDURRAHMAN SALEH ABDULLAH (Resensi Buku “Teori-teori Pendidikan Berdasarkan Al-Quranâ€)
Objectives, Material and Methods of Islamic educationAbstract
The objectives of education, materials and methods of pangajaran in Islam have been discussed in the Qur'an. The basics regarding practical issues are essential issues in order to achieve the desired goals. This essay is in the form of a review of Abdurrahman Saleh Abdullah's work entitled: "Teori-Teori Pendidikan Berdasarkan Alquran" published by Rineka Cipta Publishers, Jakarta, in 1990. His paper gives an overview of the challenges for all Muslims in general and educators at in particular, to critically analyze accepted educational practices. Discussion of this paper is done on matters relating practically to the world of education, namely on the purpose of Islamic education, Islamic education materials and methods of Islamic education.
Abdullah,Abdurrahman Saleh. Teori-Teori Pendidikan Berdasarkan Al-Quran. (Educatinal Theory a Qur’anic Outlook). Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. 1990.
Al-Bayhaqy, Abu Bakar Ahmad Ibn al-Husayn Ibn 'Ali. Sunan al-Bayhaqiy. Juz 2, Al-Maktabah Al-Syamilah. 2004.
Ibnu Majah, Sunan Ibnu Majah, bab Fadlu Ulama wal Hats ala Thalib, juz 1. Al-Maktabah Al-Syamilah. 2004.
Quran in Word Versi 1. 3