Pengaruh Bokashi Dan POC Bintang Kuda Laut Terhadap Petumbuhan Dan Hasil Terung (Solanum melongena L.)


  • Mohamad Fadli
  • M. Bayu Taufik Y.


The purpose of research was  to know the effect of Bokashi and POC Bintang Kuda Laut to the growth and yield of eggplant.

 The research was conducted on April  to  July  2013 at Loa Ipuh,   sub distric of Tenggarong.  The research was arranged  in Randomized Complete Block Design  (RCBD) with 4x4 analysis factorial  and three replications. The first  factor was  of Bokashi (B) consisted of  four levels i,e  ;  b0 (control), b1  (5 t Bokashi fertilizer ha-1),b2  (7,5 t Bokashi fertilizer ha-1) and  b3 (10 t Bokashi fertilizer ha-1).The second factor was POC Bintang Kuda Laut (P) consisted of four levels i.e  p0 (control), p1 (0.001 L-1 condensation),  p2 (0.002 L-1 condensation) and p3 (0.003 L-1 condensation).

The result of research showed that Bokashi were significantly affected to the all parameters.  The highest  weight of yield per plant of was obtained at  Bokashi b3 (10 t pupuk Bokashi ha-1) with average 4.37 kg to compared of control was average 3.40 kg.

The effect of  POC Bintang Kuda Laut showed were significantly affected to the all parameters.  The highest  weight of yield per plant of was obtained at  p3 (0.003 L-1 condensation) with average 4.23 kg to compared of control was average 3.41 kg. No Interaction between Bokashi and POC Bintang Kuda to the all parameters.

 Keyword : bokashi, POC bintang kuda laut, eggplant


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