
  • Yuni Rindiantika


Wordwall, Media


Abstract. The implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the field of Community Service (PKM) is carried out through training activities held for teachers at YPK Tenggarong High School. It can be concluded that the training activities that have been carried out went well and smoothly in accordance with the goals and expectations. This can be seen from the results of the evaluation carried out through the Pre Test and Post Test. The results of the Pre Test showed that all 13 trainees did not know how to use it and had not implemented wordwall game media in their learning process. Furthermore, from the evaluation results through the Post Test, it was found that all 13 participants were proficient in using wordwall game media to be applied in the learning process in the classroom later. If the input and suggestions submitted by the training participants could be carried out again, training activities in the form of implementing other technology-based learning media and still being able to establish communication with resource persons to be able to discuss media and learning processes.


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